Top Questions To Prepare For When Applying For Jobs In Your 30’s


The 30’s are considered a power decade for professionals. It’s when you are energetic, have relevant experience, and transition into leadership roles. Job applicants in their 30’s exude confidence and professionalism, which is just what an organization requires.

Mid-level professionals can advance in their careers with a guiding vision and strategy. Preparing for an interview can really help you secure a position that you have been longing for; it also helps you articulate yourself and showcase your abilities.

To succeed in your 30’s, you need to see the big picture and how your role in an organization can effectively help achieve their vision. Here are some questions to prepare for when applying for positions in your 30’s:

Leadership questions

You’re bound to get leadership questions. These questions are framed in a number of ways like:

  • What is your definition of a leader?
  • Are you a leader or follower?
  • Give me an example of when you have had to be a leader?
  • Tell us about a time you had to work in a group

All of these questions are directly or indirectly asking you about leadership skills. The role of a leader has been skewed in popular conceptions, through; a leader isn’t someone who does all the work, nor is it someone who does nothing and gives instruction.

A true leader is someone who can identify the unique qualities in their team and delegate tasks in a way that’s beneficial to an organization or project. A leader is someone who is open to feedback and constructive criticism, and in the same breath, a leader is someone employees are happy to work with, or work under.

When answering leadership questions, keep these points in mind. Always write down or make notes of past experiences of leadership that you have held. Choose the incident you’re going to discuss in your interview wisely too.

Handshake at the end of an interview.

Questions about your expectations/ goals

At this point in your career, you’re expected to know what you want from a job. The employer is bound to ask you questions about your passion and goals. The questions can be in the form of:

  • What do you want to accomplish in your career?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What’s something you’re most excited about if you’re selected to work with this company?
  • What stresses you out?
  • Are you able to handle pressure?

You need to be prepared for questions about the future. While no one truly knows what the future holds, when it comes to your career, employers want executives that have a goal to achieve. Spend some time thinking about your goals and link those goals to the job you’re applying for.

As for questions that focus on your weakness, don’t give away too much. If an interviewer asks you, “What stresses you out?” Don’t reply with “Too many responsibilities.” That’s counterproductive and will most likely cost you the job too. When answering this question, focus on something that isn’t negative and won’t have any real impact on your job.

If you’re looking for another job opportunity while still employed, Blast Your Resume can help you out! We are an executive employment agency and we help clients with their job search, by sending out your resume to the best job recruiters. 

We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. We provide instant updates when a recruiter views your resume and send a text with their contact information so you can follow up directly. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

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