Updating Your Resume To Make It Current

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We only think of updating our resume when it’s time to switch jobs or when we take the plunge and send in our resignation. Updating your resume every few months is essential, however, no matter the circumstances.

It helps you keep track of new achievements, new skills acquired, certifications, training prgorams, etc. But at the same time, those with busy and competitive jobs struggle to find the time to update their resume, while others might not know how to go about it.

Here’s how to update your resume to make it more current and relevant:

Remove old positions

If you’ve been circulating the same resume since you graduated from college, it’s not going to help you land the best job. When you’re 10 to 15 years into your career, remove entry level roles to make space on your resume.

If you have 15 years of experience in your career, a recruiter won’t be interested in the very first job you landed. Remove older positions that are no longer relevant to your career.

Recruiters reviewing resumes.

Update the skills section

If you have some years’ worth of work experience, you probably have improved and added to your skillset. This can be through training programs at your current job, classes you have taken on the side, learning how to use a new program, etc. If you have done professional certifications, make sure to add them to your resume.

Include current keywords

In today’s job market, including keywords can help you land your dream job. No matter how many years of experience you have, using the right keywords is essential, since most recruiters use software to screen applicants. Such software is programmed to pick up on certain keywords. Look up relevant keywords for your particular field of work and incorporate them into your updated resume.

Review and refresh your contact information

If your contact information has changed, immediately update your resume. You don’t want to send your resume to recruiters with an old number or email address. They might reach out to you and get no response, negatively impacting your reputation. Update all contact information, including your address if you have moved.

Job hunting is tough, particularly when your current job requires long hours. Blast Your Resume is an executive employment agency that sends your resume to the best job recruiters. We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving an interview call. We provide instant updates when a recruiter views your resume and send a text with their contact information so you can follow up directly. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

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