Why Professionals Should Focus on Networking

An example of how networks are interconnected

According to experts, today’s world is ever-changing. Therefore, for your career success, you must have access to the right resources and people. That’s where networking comes in. Since networking is a platform that allows you to make connections with the right people and foster long-term relationships, it is a fundamental element to career development.

Networking can involve; colleagues, someone you worked with in college or school, and any guides and mentors you may have had in the past. Here’s why you should make networking priority:

Most Jobs Aren’t Posted

Every job isn’t posted online, so knowing the right people would help you find out about openings as soon as they are available. In today’s job market, referrals hold a lot of power since they lead to more incentives than they used to. Most professionals contact the people they know first, due to which a significant amount of jobs are filled out through referrals. Use this to your advantage by making connections that will keep you in mind. Plus, if you’re busy and don’t have the time to send your CV to so many people, this is a quick way to save time.

It Helps You Further Your Career

Having a personal connection with more than one person in a professional setting is the key to furthering your career. It is essential for professionals because it allows enhancement and refinement of a skillset and allows professionals to find more suitable jobs. Networking also gives light to new opportunities to succeed as your connections are likely to reach out to you if a job is relevant to your skillset. So make sure to stay in touch with those connections who have access to various fields and experiences.

You’re Likely to Get Some Guidance

Having connections will help make it easy to look for a new job or get advice from an experienced professional. Someone with years of experience and knowledge is more likely to give you great recommendations and resources. Therefore, make sure to make the right connections.

A networking event that allows professionals to make the right connections

More Opportunities to Get Clients

If your job is client-based, knowing more people would also allow you to get more potential clients who would further boost your job success. This is great as it saves you time and gets the right client since knowing them would help filter out the ones who aren’t suited for your needs.

After getting the right connections, you should know how to maintain them. Here’s how to do that:

Maintaining Your Connections

Stay in Touch

It is vital to stay in contact with the professionals you made connections with as it helps foster a relationship over a long time. You can do this if you use various communication tools such as social media, email, phone calls, social meetups, and many others, which would help show that you care about in their lives. As a result, when an opportunity comes up, you would be the first person they think of, and you may end up finding something that is right for you.

Make sure the connection is a Genuine One

If you feel as if the connection you’re in contact with doesn’t seem interested, don’t force it. Instead of keeping you in mind, it’s likely that the professional will purposely avoid giving you the opportunity because their relationship with you isn’t genuine. Therefore, finding the right person to stay in touch with and focus on is also essential.

Plan What You Want To Say

Before meeting with someone to discuss career prospects, make sure you have a plan in mind and know what you want to discuss. Doing so would prevent you from wasting your connection’s time and efforts and ensure you get your point across.

Want to Network but don’t know where to start?

Before Networking, it is imperative to find the job that’s meant for you. If you’re a busy professional and don’t have the time to send in your resume to over a dozen offices, Blast Your Resume is the best place to post your resume.  Instead of having to go through countless job boards in the USA, you can hire a recruiter or head-hunter to find you a job at the same price. We are committed to finding you the best recruiters and helping you with the job search.

Find out more about our services, and if you’re interested, you can send your resume to over 50 recruiters to find jobs that are right for you. If you’re interested, contact us now, and we can help you find a new job that’s right for you.

Reasons Why You Aren’t Being Recruited

Colleagues working together

It’s hard not to get disappointed never hearing back from recruiters after sending out hundreds of resumes. While it’s not always clear why you didn’t land the job you worked so hard for, knowing the reasons why you weren’t hired can help you avoid the same mistakes in the future. Here are six reasons why you may not be getting recruited.

1. Not sure about your career path

Before you start looking for a job, knowing your career goal is the first step you need to take. You need to recognize the kind of work that fits your education, talents, and attitude better. Knowing what you want to do will make you realize the kind of job and position you should be applying for, which will help you become more proactive in your job hunt.

2. Your resume needs work

Recruiters invest 6 seconds reading every CV that comes their way; this means you have 6 seconds to persuade them that you’re the right person for the role. How can you do that with a badly written CV? Spend some time tailoring your resume according to the requirements of the job you’re applying for. This way, your resume and cover letter will stand apart in the crowd, getting the recruiter’s attention.

3. You are not doing enough research

Failure to do your research can cost you the job. Employers tend to recruit employees who know about their firm and its dynamics and who have considered ways to add to the company’s growth.

4. You have an inconsistent job history

Sometimes having unstable work experience can seem like not having any work experience at all. It’s alright to have multiple short-term internships and part-time jobs if you’re a student or a recent grad. However, for more experienced positions, recruiters gauge a person’s commitment by assessing how long they stayed at their previous work places.

5. Ignoring the description of the job

The job description is an essential part of all job vacancies. However, most candidates are usually not patient enough to go through the job description of a specific job vacancy since they cannot wait to apply for the position. Keep in mind that ignoring the job description can cost you the job you’re trying to get.

6. Your interview skills need to be improved

One of the most fundamental phases in the recruiting process is the interview. In the first interview, recruiting managers focus a lot on how much you connect, think objectively, your attention to the details and level of professionalism.

Finding a job is not an easy task, and the competition can be challenging. But if you continue to be turned down for jobs for which you know you are qualified, it might be the right time to take a step back and ask yourself what you could be doing wrong.

Colleagues working together

Looking for a job for over 12 months now? Hire a headhunter to find you a job today! Connect with us for more information.

How to Create a Professional Resume?

A professional resume markets your qualifications, skills and achievements, helping you stand out among other applicants. A great resume grabs employers’ attention by making a favorable first impression. Here are ten steps to creating a professional resume:

1. Your resume should be short and concise

First things first, your resume should be concise because if it’s too long, it’ll become hard to read, and the recruiter will lose interest in it. As a rule of thumb, make sure that it isn’t more than one or a maximum of 2 pages. 

2. Choose a suitable resume format

When choosing the correct format for your resume, keep in mind that every industry has a preference. Whether you choose chronological, functional, or hybrid format, make sure that it fits your industry.

3. Well written summary

A well-written summary can give you the chance to grab the recruiter’s attention and keep them engaged. Keep it short and highlight your strengths and experience.

4. Go for simple font

The right font is key to making an excellent first impression; a simple font can increase your resume’s readability and shows your professionalism, helping you stand out in the crowd.

5. Add education background

Begin this section with the most recent degree of yours. But keep it short and concise by mentioning degree, year and name of institutions and a summary. You can even add your professional certifications.

6. Mention relevant work experience

This section should be detailed as it’s one of the most important parts of the resume. Include relevant experience first. You can also add your volunteer work that’s relevant to the position.

7. Don’t leave out achievements, awards and certification

This section is a must-have. Your achievements, awards, and certifications can tell the recruiters how you can add value to the company.

8. Avoid making grammatical errors

No matter how qualified you may be for the job, a resume laden with grammatical errors could prevent you from being called to an interview. Make sure your resume is error-free by proofreading it once you’ve put everything together. You can even get it checked by someone else, as fresh eyes can identify your typos quicker.

9. Don’t forget to include contact information

Don’t forget to add your name, contact number, and email address at the top of the resume because even if you get selected and forget to include contact information, the HR department won’t be able to contact you.

10.  Get your resume checked by a professional

If you still have any doubts about the resume you’ve created, get it checked by a professional.

A recruiter going through a resume

Looking for the best place to post your resume? Get in touch with us. Our recruiters will help you find a suitable job!

Things Recruiters Notice in Resumes

A recruiter holding an ‘Apply Now’ sign
A file of resumes on a recruiter’s desk

Research suggests that recruiters spend 6 seconds on a single resume, which means you have 60 seconds to impress them. You must present the information in a way that recruiters quickly scan your CV to see if you’re fit for the job.

Let’s talk about some things that recruiter notice in resumes that you should know:

1. Strong beginning

The summary section is your chance to catch the attention of recruiters and keep them engaged. Try to sum up your expertise and abilities using key, catchy terms in a few words. But don’t mistake the summary for an authoritative argument; a summary should only focus on highlighting your professional skills and experience.

2. Career consistency

It requires time for a person at a new job to learn the rules and carve a position inside a team. One whose chosen career includes frequent jumps does not have the dedication and resilience to stay around long enough to make an impact.

3. Capability

Suitable keywords, durability, progression, and no errors all add to the idea that, indeed, there is hope for you. Furthermore, skills, experience with a particular business, or functional abilities point out if there is a potential fit on hand for the opening. The appearance of the resume signal integrity and dedication to detail, style and readability. The introduction’s focus and the first bullet point under each position lead to what you think is your value proposition.

4. Education

When you get the specifics right, your cv will catch the recruiter’s attention quickly. Highlight suitable educational qualifications, particularly when they have been identified in the selection criterion as necessary or attractive.

5. Keywords & Relevant language

Your resume must contain essential keywords. The keywords and relevant language will establish a connection between you and the recruiter. Avoid needless jargon and be keep in mind that the person who goes through your resume might not be a corporate specialist; however, they’ll know what to look for.

6. Communication

Recruiters are attracted to a precisely written resume. Recruiters gauge your abilities by going through the listed skills, background, and work experience on your resume. Nothing retains their attention like a concise and easy to read resume.

Your resume is the key to a fantastic job opportunity, so it’s essential to get it right.

Need feedback on your resume from a recruiter? Get in touch with us and find a job recruiter; we will send you a text message with the recruiter’s contact number so you can follow up directly with them!

3 Reasons To Change Jobs During A Pandemic

Employees wearing a mask while at work.

Image file name: zoom-meeting

Employees wearing a mask while at work.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed our lives. People have realized that it’s not worth working in dead-end jobs where there’s no passion or motivation. While many will raise an eyebrow if you discuss your plan to switch jobs, now’s the perfect time to do it!

Here are some reasons to consider changing jobs during a pandemic:

More free time to work on your skills

The one thing this pandemic has given us is more free time. We no longer use our free time to go out and instead have been spending time indoors. For individuals living on their own, this means a lot more free time to work on transferable skills to enhance their resume.

Sign up for online courses and put your free time to good use. Many leading course providers have provided some free courses; you could also invest your money in courses that will help you in your career. Consider taking language courses; ASL is a good one to add to your resume. It can help your communication and you can become an asset for a company.

Find a better employer

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on organizations as well. Many companies have struggled, leading to lay-offs and other issues that have made the work environment toxic. If your workplace has become toxic, or has been toxic, consider finding a better employer. Don’t be afraid of switching jobs during a pandemic. There are many great companies out there that still require employees.

Find jobs beyond your geographical restrictions

The biggest advantage of switching jobs during this pandemic is that you can look for jobs beyond your location. You can look into jobs that would otherwise be too far from your residence, perhaps even work for a company in another county, city, or state. With many organizations switching to a remote working situation, it’s easier to find a job that fits you best.

Find your dream job during this pandemic with Blast Your Resume! We are an executive employment agency and we help clients with their job search, particularly those who are working hectic jobs and don’t have time to individually send out job applications. We send out your resume to the best job recruiters in the United States. We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

Showcasing Your Job Experience In Your Resume

Working on a laptop.
Reviewing resumes.

A well thought out resume can land you your dream job. We’re talking one that showcases plenty of skills, like prioritizing what’s important, conveying a message in a short period of time, presenting your skills, work experience, educational degrees and diplomas, etc.

Often, we get clients who are unsure about their resume, particularly the “work experience” part of it. They aren’t too sure how much detail is required and what’s important.

That’s why we’ve come up with a guide to help you out.

Why is work experience important on the resume?

Most employers value the work experience part of a resume the most. They are usually looking for a candidate who has similar work experience to the job they are hiring for. It also gives them a quick glance into the applicant’s employment history and the organization(s) they have worked for.

How to effectively write your work experience

Include detailed and relevant information

Work experience should contain details about your employment history. This includes the companies you have worked for, the duration for which you have worked there, and a bit about the responsibilities of the job. Don’t forget to mention the location of the companies, which reflects whether you’re up for relocating for work too.

If your work experience spans over a decade, consider removing older positions that are no longer relevant. As a rule of thumb, experts recommend including the last three employers.  

If you have been provided any awards and recognitions during your previous jobs, mention them in your work experience section. This is a great way of letting the recruiter know your accomplishments and skills.

Working on a laptop.

Chronological format

The format of a resume matters when applying for jobs. Since recruiters don’t spend much time on each resume, having clear cut and relevant information listed can improve your chances of being selected. List your job experience in chronological order with your most recent job at the top. This way the first work experience entry the recruiter skims over is the most relevant.

If you’re looking to switch careers, Blast Your Resume can help you out! We are an executive employment agency and we help clients with their job search, by sending out your resume to the best job recruiters. We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

Switching Careers In Your 30s

Meeting with fellow executives.
Working on a new project with another employee.

By the time you hit your 30’s, it feels like you’ve been working a lifetime. Most people tend to feel burned out and tired of their existing jobs and require a change at this point. There could be a number of reasons for wanting to switch careers; your current career path might be too hectic. Maybe you want a job that’s meaningful, you want to feel excited about work again, or maybe your priorities and passions have changed.

Switching careers is always frowned upon, particularly if you leave a sought after job. You will be reminded that you worked so hard to reach where you are, all to give it up. Others might suggest that you weren’t capable of handling the pressure, when in reality, it could be the best time for you to make this change.

Why is 30 a good time to switch careers?

If you’re planning to retire at 65, like most people, that still gives you a long 35-year career to pursue in your new field. It’s becoming increasingly common to continue working longer due to financial pressures. So it makes sense to opt for a career you enjoy and can see yourself working in for the next few decades.

A career change at any age will affect your life. Letting go of a job that was making you unhappy will have a positive impact on your relationships and health as well.

It’s important to consider that switching careers earlier is easier than later. So switching careers in your 30’s is better than in your 40’s and 50’s.

Meeting with fellow executives.

How to embark on a new career in your 30’s?

When switching careers, you need to be certain about the field you want to work in. Don’t worry if you don’t know the steps required to get there.

First determine the goal you want to achieve. Keep in mind your personality type, aptitude, ability to pick up something new, interest, and work-related values. Now explore occupations that fit these requirements. However, in most cases, people who want to switch jobs are usually aware of what they want to do next.

Securing a job

Securing a job without sufficient experience in the field you’re interested in can be tough. You might have to do an adult internship or two to learn something about the job and develop your skills. You might also have to settle for a job that doesn’t pay particularly well, here’s where your savings of your 20s can help you out. However, make sure you secure a job that helps you meet your expenses.   

If you’re looking to switch careers, Blast Your Resume can help you out! We are an executive employment agency and we help clients with their job search, by sending out your resume to the best job recruiters. We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

Tips To Succeed During A Zoom Interview

Virtual job interview.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most organizations have had to switch to a remote working system. Employees are working from home to reduce the spread of the virus, since most workplaces aren’t equipped to implement COVID-19 strategies.

Since the pandemic has been going on for a year now, organizations have had to continue recruiting new employees. The job application and recruitment system has also become remote, with organizations having Zoom interviews instead of in-person job interviews.

Here are some ways to ensure your Zoom interview is a success:

Look into the camera when speaking

It’s easy to get distracted and look at yourself on screen during a zoom call. However, this isn’t ideal during a job interview. You have to be focused and professional during a job interview. Look directly into the camera when it’s your chance to speak, it’s like maintaining eye contact when speaking with an interviewer in-person.

Looking into the camera while speaking also shows you’re confident. Don’t try having answers up on your screen either; recruiters are trained to read facial expressions, eye movements, and body language. If you happen to wear eye glasses, they will be able to see the reflection of your screen too.

Find a suitable spot to settle down in

There’s nothing worse than having your job interview interrupted by noisy family members, a neighbor mowing the lawn, or a noisy vehicle passing by. We all know the BBC Dad whose children gatecrashed his TV interview.

When preparing for an online job interview, make sure you find a suitable spot at home. The area should be quiet and have good internet connectivity. Make sure you’re sitting at a desk and not on your bed or sofa. You need to be comfortable and relaxed to perform well in the interview.

Keep all distractions away, like your phone. Close all extra tabs on your computer screen too, in case you need to share your screen.

Zoom job interview.

The room should be brightly lit

The interviewer should be able to see you clearly during the interview. Interviewers read facial expressions and body language during an interview. Make sure the room you’re in for the interview is well lit.

If your laptop camera isn’t great, consider getting a better quality webcam, it will be handy during this pandemic and post pandemic as many organizations have announced that they will let their employees choose whether they want to continue working remotely.

Find your dream job with the help of Blast Your Resume! We are an executive employment agency that helps clients with their job search, particularly those who are employed and don’t have time to individually send out job applications.

We send out your resume to the best job recruiters in the United States. We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

Top Questions To Prepare For When Applying For Jobs In Your 30’s


The 30’s are considered a power decade for professionals. It’s when you are energetic, have relevant experience, and transition into leadership roles. Job applicants in their 30’s exude confidence and professionalism, which is just what an organization requires.

Mid-level professionals can advance in their careers with a guiding vision and strategy. Preparing for an interview can really help you secure a position that you have been longing for; it also helps you articulate yourself and showcase your abilities.

To succeed in your 30’s, you need to see the big picture and how your role in an organization can effectively help achieve their vision. Here are some questions to prepare for when applying for positions in your 30’s:

Leadership questions

You’re bound to get leadership questions. These questions are framed in a number of ways like:

  • What is your definition of a leader?
  • Are you a leader or follower?
  • Give me an example of when you have had to be a leader?
  • Tell us about a time you had to work in a group

All of these questions are directly or indirectly asking you about leadership skills. The role of a leader has been skewed in popular conceptions, through; a leader isn’t someone who does all the work, nor is it someone who does nothing and gives instruction.

A true leader is someone who can identify the unique qualities in their team and delegate tasks in a way that’s beneficial to an organization or project. A leader is someone who is open to feedback and constructive criticism, and in the same breath, a leader is someone employees are happy to work with, or work under.

When answering leadership questions, keep these points in mind. Always write down or make notes of past experiences of leadership that you have held. Choose the incident you’re going to discuss in your interview wisely too.

Handshake at the end of an interview.

Questions about your expectations/ goals

At this point in your career, you’re expected to know what you want from a job. The employer is bound to ask you questions about your passion and goals. The questions can be in the form of:

  • What do you want to accomplish in your career?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What’s something you’re most excited about if you’re selected to work with this company?
  • What stresses you out?
  • Are you able to handle pressure?

You need to be prepared for questions about the future. While no one truly knows what the future holds, when it comes to your career, employers want executives that have a goal to achieve. Spend some time thinking about your goals and link those goals to the job you’re applying for.

As for questions that focus on your weakness, don’t give away too much. If an interviewer asks you, “What stresses you out?” Don’t reply with “Too many responsibilities.” That’s counterproductive and will most likely cost you the job too. When answering this question, focus on something that isn’t negative and won’t have any real impact on your job.

If you’re looking for another job opportunity while still employed, Blast Your Resume can help you out! We are an executive employment agency and we help clients with their job search, by sending out your resume to the best job recruiters. 

We make sure your resume is sent to the right people, increasing your chances of receiving a call or email for an interview. We provide instant updates when a recruiter views your resume and send a text with their contact information so you can follow up directly. Sign up for our service or get your free trial by filling out the information on our homepage.

Tips To Get Your Resume Noticed By Employers

Whether you are a fresh graduate seeking your first job, or an experienced individual, your resume is probably the only way you can reach out to potential employers. With the advent of technology, most companies simply post their job openings online, and ask potential candidates to send their resumes. This blog post will highlight some of the things you can do to get your resume noticed and increase your chances of getting hired.

Make Sure It’s Comprehensive

Research shows that 40% of employers do not even spend a minute looking at your resume, yet they use it to shortdlist and hire candidates. These stats suggest that your resume must be very precise and comprehensive enough that they can go through it within this timeframe. Don’t brag about yourself and only include what is necessary for them to know. You can also consider using multiple resumes to apply for different fields, making each relevant to it. In other words, update your resume and job descriptions according to the job you are applying for and add job-specific skills.

List Down Your Accomplishments

There’s a difference between what you have done in your life or career, and things that you have achieved. The employer is more interested in the latter. Don’t just tell them what you have studied and how many jobs you have done, rather make it sound like your achievements. Tell the employer what you got from those jobs and make sure to mention any certificates or awards that you received.

Always Include a Cover Letter

Whether an employer asks for it or not, you should make it your habit to send a cover letter every time you apply anywhere. Cover letters are the best possible way to highlight those things that you want your employer to notice. The way you write your cover letter can reveal a lot about you and play a vital role in influencing an employer’s decision.

Formatting Matters

Most people do not know that formatting also matters a great deal for employers. The fonts and colors you use suggest a lot about your personality. Using basic readable font, headings and organization of the information can impact how an employer perceives your resume.

At BlastYourResume.com, we can help you with your job search and connect you to some of the top recruiters in different industries. Currently, we have 6,421 recruiters subscribed to our list who are seeking experienced individuals as well as young talented people who are willing to work with them—which makes us one of the best places to post your resume. Get in touch with us to find out more.